Devon Webb

I love the tiny little streets  

& all the terraced houses in a row  

with their cast iron railings  

& chairs out on the patio  

I love the park beside the graveyard  

& how it feels in the golden evening before dusk  

dogs out walking & social circles gathered drinking 

like Myer’s but less fucked  

I love The Courthouse  

I love how they have weird names for small beers  

I love how everyone here is young & sexy  

& the music’s not too loud outside & inside it’s Britney Spears  

I love this car  

I love the dashboard  

I love the leather seats  

I love having simps in different cities  

I love the chicken shop on the corner  

I love Big Daddy’s Burger Bar  

I love the apple tea at the Turkish Bazaar  

I love the cinema  

I love you  

I love that I found you  

I love that I feel at home  

even when I’m nowhere close  

Or maybe home isn’t a place but a concept  

maybe home is something new  

maybe home is when you’re a passenger  

& out the window your heart flew.

Devon Webb is a Gen Z writer & editor based in Aotearoa New Zealand. Her award-winning work has been published extensively worldwide & revolves around themes of femininity, vulnerability, anti-capitalism & neurodivergence. She is an in-house writer for Erato Magazine, an editor for Prismatica Press, & is a founding member of The Circus (@circuslit), a collective prioritising radical inclusivity within the indie lit scene. She can be found on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok & Bluesky at @devonwebbnz.