Confession of a Country Mouse  

Genevieve S. Aguinaldo

I was never in love with the city

too many rats and dirt for me

the walls in the street reek 

with the stench of pee 

during rainy months  

prayers on absence of flood 

are unanswered. 

the streets become a pool 

where everything swims: 


banana peelings 

dogs and their feces 

old roof 

lonely slippers 


but I have to admit 

the city holds the books

it is the home 

where poems are written 

to forget 

to remember  

to be forgotten 

thinking of this 

I must admit  

that for a split second  

I find the rainbows in the city

Genevieve S. Aguinaldo is a mother to her four children. She received her BA degree in Communication Arts from the University of the Philippines Los Banos and Diploma in Language and Literacy Education from UP Open University. Her creative works may be read in print and online. Some may be found at Scarlet Dragonfly Journal, Cold Moon Journal, Wales Haiku Journal, Shadow Pond Journal, haikuNetra, Shot Glass Journal and The Fib Review.